Additionally, we have proprietary know-how regarding the development of highly efficient cleaning products with greatly reduced risk factors for people and the environment. We even develop risk-label-free cleaning products that are biodegradable and can help you with the switch to more sustainable raw materials.
We even currently consider our technology are of economically utilizable micro-emulsions as a unique selling point for our technology platform in the market. DMG Chemie also holds multiple patents and property rights.
Our founder‘s vision up until today has always been the production of products from a first idea or market demand to the finished product in big production batches that are manufactured in-house. DMG has a history rich with different product development projects, both with our own products and in collaboration with other companies, inventors, or creative minds in our field.
In short: Products with surfactants and the challenges that these can solve are our core competence.
We were already awarded multiple times for our contributions to state-subsidized research projects.
Within our fields of research, we are able to conceptualize, apply for and carry out bigger cooperative projects, also in collaboration with Universities. In this vein, we already accompanied multiple solo projects until a “return of invest”. We also have contributed to already conceptualized projects by other companies or research institutes by filling gaps that fell into our fields of expertise.
We also count small, medium-sized, and large corporations with a need for cleaning products for special in-house cleaning processes among our customers. Additionally, we also supply our products to notable cleaning service companies that use them in their daily service operations. In relation to this, we offer a range of cleaning products with our own branding. We are furthermore listed as a reliable long-time supplier for a number of state-owned institutions and local businesses in addition to multiple European railway companies.
Regarding contract research, we have collaborations with large international corporations, state-subsidized research but also with small startups.
Dr Mathias Gressenbuch studied chemistry at Albert-Ludwigs-Universität in Freiburg and did his doctorate at the University of Leipzig. His career entry took place immediately after this in a medium-sized technology company as a product developer.
Dr. Gressenbuch left his position as a laboratory manager in the company to found DMG Chemie. after three years he already employed three PhDs and together they had built substantial expertise in the following fields:
The overall goal of Dr. Gressenbuch always has been to focus on environmental protection and sustainability by using as many biodegradable raw materials as possible. Another focus is the ambition to contribute positively by minimizing hazards for people and the environment. The advantages of such products for traders, customers and work safety in combination with the possibilities to provide regarding special challenges by customers build the foundation for DMG Chemie’s growth.
Dr. Gressenbuch still personally attends to his customers in the areas of contract research and product development to this day. The founder also contributes to cooperative subsidized research projects with universities, medium-sized corporations, and state-owned institutions.
As managing director and founder of DMG Chemie has, over now more than 10 years, built a company with at times more than 10 employees and a very stable base of business partnerships and customers.
DMG Chemie founder Dr. Mathias Gressenbuch regularly presents his newest research results and developments in the german TV format “Einfach genial” (Simply ingenious) from the network MDR and through this has reached new markets and customers and developed products for the end consumers directly.
Working together with employees, customers, and suppliers on equal footing is one of Dr. Gressenbuch‘s foundational values to working successfully.
Founding of DMG Chemie GmbH in Leipzig, Germany with a focus on development, production and distribution of chemical products. From the beginning the goal was to develop sustainable products with biodegradable raw materials. Additionally, products were developed, that have low hazard levels for people and environment.
For our customers we did contract manufacturing in the areas of cleaning supply production and developed our first customized production lines and storage capacities.
Expansion in the area of research, employment of PhDs, contributions to research networks and subsidized research projects as well as first contract research in the economic sector.
Development of in-house brands and products.
Expansion of the pallets-, custom- and hazardous substance warehouse.
The master of business administration and brother of the founder Marc Gressenbuch takes over administration management.
First large scale framework contracts(e.g. with partner Deutsche Bahn) after the nomination of DMG products for the industry- and innovation-award “vision zero”.
Acquisition of larger manufacturing machines.
Dubbeling of the corporate space and significant expansion of the electronic infrastructure.
Implementation of new merchendise management systems.
Entry into the online sales market with in-house products. Due to needs that arose in the pandemic our already prepared for market cleaning line T-CLEAN was expanded with the addition of disinfectants for surfaces.
For the production of pre-moistend wet wipes and mops we implemented a new production line. For the product branding du to the growing number of white labels and for the design of the web-presence we employed a graphic- and web designer. Marc Gressenbuch was named and listed as procurist with with general commercial power of representation.
Hotline: +49 (0) 341-49370-53
Fax: +49 (0) 341-339650-010
DMG Chemie GmbH
Heiterblickstraße 42
D-04347 Leipzig, Germany
Office, suppliers,
goods receipt:
Mon. – Thur. 8 am. – 4 pm.
Fri. 8 am. – 1 pm.
For larger quantities and customised prices, please contact us by e-mail or telephone.
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²Other dosage forms available.
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