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In a world where cleanliness and maintenance are daily challenges, we proudly present our latest product: Kritzel-Ex. This crayon remover is the answer to all your cleaning problems and offers an effortless, gentle and effective solution for removing colour smudges from a wide variety of surfaces.

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Discover Kritzel-Ex: Our new innovative crayon remover!

With Kritzel-Ex, you can effortlessly and gently remove paint smears from a wide variety of surfaces such as tables, chairs, beds and windows. Kritzel-Ex even shows its versatility on wallpaper, upholstery and painted surfaces.

Certified skin-friendly:
Kritzel-Ex has been labelled skin-friendly by Dermatest.

Visit our shop:
Discover our Kritzel-Ex sets for families and special tins for schools and daycare centres. Order today and receive a 10% discount with the code DMG10.